Happier Outside

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It's Coming...

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Can you feel it?

There is a shift in the air. If you step outside and stand for just a moment, you will notice it. The air is sweet, and moist, and softer somehow. There is also a change in the angle of the sun... the quality of the light is changing, and the sunrises and sunsets have been spectacular this month.

Can you feel the change within you, too?

I know I can... I feel it when I take a walk, or when I step outside in the morning, with my cup of coffee. Sometimes, standing out there, I feel like a tree with my sap starting to flow again - as though I am beginning to wake from a slumber. It feels amazing, and I have to stop myself from running out into the street, waving my hands at the passers-by yelling "look! look!... it's happening!". Actually, I did do that this week...the squirrels gave me funny looks :).

The harshness of the passing season is behind us.

We have a chance to catch our breath, and to move into the new rhythms of this transition season...to feel our way into the busy nature of the coming months.

What will you do this week to celebrate?

I think I am going to take advantage of the lake, and it's current state of frozen tundra, and ski out to the islands and back. Won't be long now, and I'll be on my paddle-board doing the same thing - as hard as that is to imagine.

Taking the time to intentionally move across the top of the water, and really love the state it's in right now, is something I want to do as a way of honoring the change of seasons.

Or maybe I will put together a scavenger hunt with the kids, and look for signs of the season shifting. The birds are starting to return and call to each other, and I think the buds are ready to pop.

Or maybe it's time to call my friends for a last hurrah out at the ski hut. Girls? You there? You hear me?

Let's do this!
